Friday, July 19, 2013

Poor Izzy

My girl Izzy has had a hard year.  First she got kidney stones, had emergency surgery and her whole world changed.  She has never been known as a "slim" dog, but putting her on this special diet hasn't helped her.  That diet could lead us to last Wednesday. 

I noticed that she was very sluggish and just not herself.  When I came to check on her at lunch, she had thrown up about 5 times.  When I came home from work that day, she had thrown up more and seemed to be getting worse.  Mommy intuition kicked in and we immediately came in.  They kept her for observation and testing, and we went out to dinner to kill time.  I got a call at dinner that it was Pancreatitis.  NOT COOL IZZY, NOT COOL!!!!  Poor baby was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do about it. 

Now here we are a week and two days later, and she's still not 100%.  She is having trouble eating and still having tummy issues. So it's back to the vet again later tonight!!

Telling our parents

So since we were moving and my MIL works in my lady doctor office, I knew we should tell our rents sooner, rather than later because it was going to come out.  My parents had no clue, but Joni kept asking me all kinds of crazy questions about my "procedure" and should you be lifting that, or take it easy and don't get stressed etc.  I knew something was up and when I had a moment alone, which is few and far between these days, I told Stephen.  He said "she knows"...someone has a big mouth in her office.  We decided to tell our parents and that was it because we were going to be living with them and it'd be hard to hide it. 

Joni and Jim were working outside on that Sunday and so Stephen and I decided to join them.  We started talking and I told Stephen that he was going to be the one to tell them.  He said to them "well we have some news" and pointed at my stomach and said "Shelly and I are going to have a baby".  After lots of tears and hugs by everyone we got to talking about how Joni was pretty sure that we were pregnant, but didn't know 100%.  She said that one of the nurses said that we didn't do one of the procedures 2 weeks before in which she put 2 and 2 together.

Now on to telling my parents.  We would've liked to do it in the same day, but knew Joni knew and didn't know how to make it happen.  Fast forward 24 hours to Monday night.  I told my parents that Stephen was coming over to ask their advice on new house stuff.  Of course they thought the worst, termites, mold, etc.  When Stephen got to the house, we all sat at the kitchen table and he began by telling them what they found on the inspection.  My dad went in about how we should keep the upstairs a/c at a warmer temp since nobody would be up there very often.  I then cut in and said " March, we will have a baby upstairs".  My parents were SHOCKED to say the least.  After more tears and hugs, they still were sooooo confused. 

Whew!!  I think we are all still a little in shock of everything.  So far I've been feeling ok.  This week, I have been extremely nauseous and so hopefully this gets better soon.  Next Tuesday, July 23rd is our 7 week appointment and ultrasound.  We plan on telling the rest of our immediate family after week 10 or so to make sure that everything is ok.

Starting a Family

So after months and months of trying to start a family, we decided to go see Todd (Dr Holt) to see what was going on.  We got a game plan started and we both were going to be checked that both of our bodies were working properly.  After my initial consultation, I was going to come back 2 weeks later and have an ultrasound and some kind of procedure to make sure that my body was open to have a baby.  I went in on July 2nd, peed in a cup, got bloodwork done and had my ultrasound.  While I was sitting waiting for my blood pressure to be taken, my favorite nurse came up and said well...."Everything looks great!  YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!"

She hugged me and I was in so much shock, that I had to sit down.  I was shaking all over.  I told Stephen that he didn't need to come to that appointment with me, but man I wished at that moment that he was there with me.  The nurse brought me in to the room and said that Dr Holt would be right in to see me.  I was crying and shaking and in total disbelief!  This is what we had been trying for and we weren't going to have to do any special treatments.

Dr Holt came in and said that I was essentially 4 weeks and we were going to make another appointment to do an ultrasound in 3 weeks.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME???  I had to wait another 3 weeks to know more details??  That seemed like an eternity, and it still does.  I have my appointment next Tuesday, so hopefully everything goes well.  I have been praying every night for a healthy baby/pregnancy because I know that so much can happen in the first 12 weeks. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Starting to Blog

So I am definitely a blog dummy.  I follow a ton of blogs and love to check in on people that I do not talk to on a regular basis.  It's nice seeing what they are up to and so I hope that I keep people as entertained as I am while reading other blogs.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.  My first REAL blog will be about our European Vacation.  Stephen, my mom, Aunt Terri and I had a blast and can't wait to go back